Storytelling for a
We are storytelling experts, specialising in helping organisations, movements and individuals with a cause to bring about positive change through specialist storytelling approaches.

Welcome to the home of
Master Storytelling
Master Storytelling is a storytelling approach that focuses on how to work with metanarratives, the implicit narratives that sit behind everything we do.
This approach to storytelling offers profound and essential insights for anyone working for a cause, especially charities, the third sector, social and environmental movements, and individuals seeking positive change.

FREE Resources to download
A new motivation theory
Based on new insights from neuropsychology, this motivation theory is designed for anyone working for positive change in the world. This theory explores advanced techniques for working with intrinsic motivation and intrinsic values through storytelling methodologies.
Our full online training course
Master Storytelling
Become a Master Storyteller with our specialist online training course
Early bird 50% discount available
Motivation theory
Explore a new motivation theory and how to work with intrinsic motivational triggers
values theory
Insights into values theory and how to work with different values flow states to engage your audiences
Utilising insights on the different values systems of the two brain hemispheres and how to apply them
Learn how to become a Master Storyteller, someone who can create powerful metanarratives
Master Storytelling Toolkit
Take your storytelling to the next level.
6 core tools to help you build powerful metanarratives for social and environmental transformation
Our Services
Upcoming workshops.
Hands-on storytelling workshops to help you on your storytelling journey
Beginner's guide to Master Storytelling FREE
Start your storytelling journey with our free intro workshop on Master Storytelling
Master Storytelling and fundraising ONLINE
How to create powerful fundraising propositions within an ethical storytelling framework
Engaging values - for social and environmental transformation £90*
Workshop on values theory, and how to work with different values flow states
Storytelling and motivation FREE
Exploring Integral Motivation Theory, a new motivation model based on storytelling theory
Working with metanarratives £90*
How to work with the 'master' narratives, or rather metanarratives that shape everything that we do.
Storytelling circle *Members only
Regular workshop to come together and to share best practice and explore ideas in a supporting environment
All workshops are delivered via Zoom and are 1-2hrs in length. *These are all free to those who have subscribed to our full access training programme
Dive into the world of Master Storytelling with our free insight articles
The marketing paradigm is an all-embracing ideology that thrives when it triggers feelings of insecurity, creates a deep sense of inadequacy, and plays to our lower values. The storytelling paradigm, by contrast, is an intentional shift towards our higher values, triggering the values that inspire hope, heroism, love and compassion. Engaging audiences using this methodology brings about authentic and lasting change.
The simplicity of storytelling.
Some of the most complex problems and challenges we face today can only be resolved through a storytelling mindset.
Find out how you can unlock your storytelling potential.