Using your storydeck cards

Ready to start building your story? We have created our own in-house storydeck cards that can help you to map out your storytelling journey. 

For this workshop you will need to have attended the main storytelling training programme which will introduce the storydeck cards, the hero’s journey, and how to use these cards with a storytelling mindset.  

This will be a hands-on storytelling workshop where we will go through the process of creating a powerful narrative to drive the aspect of work that you are looking to engage your audience with. 

You will get insights on what story elements you need to create, how to develop these into a powerful narrative, and and to build your campaign around this storytelling narrative.

If you are looking to engage your audience into any aspect of your cause, then this training will be suitable for you. 

Ideally you will have undergone the Storytelling for a Cause online training, so that you have a core understanding in place. You can still benefit from this workshop if you have not undergone the training. 

Sign up below.

We can never overlook the fact that the greatest movements for positive change in human history all started with a story

- Kieran O'Brien
Director of Ministory

New motivational theory

Standard motivational models tend to conflate the different stages of intrinsic motivation (self-regulation) into a single category or to view intrinsic motivation only in terms of utility (i.e. improved outputs). 

The result is that our current motivational models are no longer fit for purpose in terms of working with higher values, or how to create long-term behavioural change. 

Creating a new and expanded model, utilising insights from neuro-psychology, offers some profound insights on how to create meaningful change on the issues we care about.