Storytelling and the unconscious mind
Training course

How do we work with the unconscious mind? What are the ‘rules’ for engaging the unconscious mind? How do we create motivational triggers to drive authentic and meaningful action with our audiences by engaging the unconscious mind?
Given that neuroscientists make claims that between 90% and 96% of our thinking is unconscious, then do not expect this to be a simple or light topic in which we need to deal with. But it is an important one.
If we can understand some of the unconscious drivers that prevent real and meaningful change from emerging from our audience, then no matter how hard we push our message, how much energy we pour into our work, when something does not resonate with the deep psyche, the result will always be low motivation, low engagement, poor fundraising, and your ambition to create real change will feel ever so frustratingly out of reach.
Rather than pushing harder, turning up our messages, being more aggressive, perhaps we need to take a step back and take some time to explore some big questions on how we think, how motivation really works, how to create stories that resonate, and the relationship between the unconscious mind and the values we hold. And more importantly, how do we work with the unconscious mind through storytelling?
What you will learn?
On this training programme you will learn the following:
- The different roles the two hemispheres of the brain play
- What are the different values systems of the two hemispheres, and how to work with the hemisphere that can bring about real change
- What is the relationship between the two hemisphere of the brain, and how they relate to intrinsic motivation, values and purpose
- How to move from rationality, a way of thinking that breaks things down to understand them, to relationality, where we understand the flow and relationship of all things
- How to think differently on a whole range of cause-driven issues, and how to approach them through storytelling methodologies
- The relationship between the two different layers of storytelling (explicit and implicit) and how they map to the two different hemispheres
Is this training for me?
If you are tired of telling the same story, using the same marketing methodologies to engage and motivate audiences into action, then this training is perfect for you. This training serves as a core element of the whole storytelling training we offer. Simply put, without it we will forever remain trapped in the logic of the left hemisphere. As a result, even the stories we tell will follow the rules of the left hemisphere, which is extrinsic motivation.
We call this a paradigm trap, and trying to escape this trap is the urgent task for anyone wishing to bring about positive change to our world.

This training is a deep dive into the unconscious mind, which will take time to learn and unpack. The challenges of this training are that we tend to view and interpret everything through the left hemisphere. Shifting to right hemisphere attention will be, for some, very challenging.
In this training we will be breaking pretty much every sacred cow we have when it comes to audience engagement and motivation, and how a different way is needed using storytelling methodologies.
Storytelling and the unconscious mind
Training programme-
Full lifetime access to 3hrs+ of online training
Full access to training materials and handouts
Unique insights on how to work with the unconscious mind and how this can be applied to your work*
Upcoming workshops.
Hands-on storytelling workshops to help you on your storytelling journey
Intro to Master Storytelling FREE
Start your storytelling journey with our free intro workshop on Master Storytelling
Storytelling building workshop £75
Specialist hands-on training on building your story
Using your storydeck cards *£75
Workshop on how to use your storytelling deck cards as a toolkit for creating a powerful narrative
Storytelling and motivation FREE
Exploring Integral Motivation Theory, a new motivation model based on storytelling theory
Working with metanarratives £90*
How to work with the 'master' narratives, or rather metanarratives that shape everything that we do.
Storytelling circle *Members only
Regular workshop to come together and to share best practice and explore ideas in a supporting environment
All workshops are delivered via Zoom and are 1-2hrs in length. *These are follow on workshops that explore learnings from the training course. Access only to those who have attended the respective training course the workshop refers to. **Access to Storytelling Circle workshop only available to those who have subscribed to our full access training programme
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