A beginner's guide to



Can a new motivation theory based on storytelling help to drive through the cultural and social changes we need on environmental and social issues?

Transforming our world through storytelling.

What we value, how we think and relate to the world around us is shaped by the stories we tell ourselves. Only by changing the story can we bring about the changes we seek.

Master Storytelling is not a technique or a single storytelling method. It is about transitioning to an entirely new paradigm - a new way of thinking - on motivating, engaging values and driving lasting and meaningful change on the issues we all care about.

Explore how a new storytelling theory offers insight on how to create deep change on the issues we care about, alongside how a new motivation theory can help drive real change on the many social and environmental issues that we face today.

This FREE book is packed with the following resources:

A new storytelling theory:
Working with metanarratives

Every story is made up of two layers: narratives and metanarratives. Narratives are explicit and are dealt with the left hemisphere of the brain, metanarratives are implicit and are dealt with the right hemisphere of the brain

Master Storytelling is not about mastering the art of storytelling or trying to become an expert in storytelling. Master Storytelling is about how to work with the master narratives that shape cultural norms and long-term behaviours.

Working with primitives

Every metanarrative is shaped by the three primitives of values, motivation and purpose. To create a new motivation ‘engine’ we need explore how these three primitives work together at the metanarrative level of every communication. 

Working with different flow states

Working with metanarratives, the implicit narratives, means that we need to learn how to work with different flow states – represented by the different stages of dominance between the two hemispheres of the brain. 

A new values theory

By understanding how values work at the implicit state of all things opens the door to new ways of understanding what values are, how they function at the pre-conscious level, and how to create powerful metanarratives to engage higher values.

A new motivation theory:
Integral motivation theory

Explore how a new motivation theory, based on cutting-edge insights from neuropsychology, opens the door to working with intrinsic motivation – a highly misunderstood dimension of motivation. 

Customer Reviews


“It is crazy what is accomplished in such a short book. This challenges everything, from our understanding of motivation theory right down to how values work. The promise here is a new pathway on how to build real and lasting change.”


“A simple and clear perspective on how we can change the world. This feels like a game-changer.”

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New training programme.

Become a Master Storyteller with our specialist 13hrs+ online training course

Motivation theory

Explore a new motivation theory and how to work with intrinsic motivational triggers

values theory

Insights into values theory and how to work with different values flow states to engage your audiences


Utilising insights on the different values systems of the two brain hemispheres and how to apply them


Learn how to become a Master Storyteller, someone who can create powerful metanarratives

New motivational theory

Standard motivational models tend to conflate the different stages of intrinsic motivation (self-regulation) into a single category or to view intrinsic motivation only in terms of utility (i.e. improved outputs). 

The result is that our current motivational models are no longer fit for purpose in terms of working with higher values, or how to create long-term behavioural change. 

Creating a new and expanded model, utilising insights from neuro-psychology, offers some profound insights on how to create meaningful change on the issues we care about.