Storytelling and values
Training course

What are values and how do we create meaningful change using insights from values dynamics? The values we hold shape not only our behaviours, our attitudes and how we relate to others, but they shape how we think. Understanding what values are, how they work, and how to create the right dynamics, through storytelling methodologies, to reshape the flow of values, is a specialist form of training.
What you will learn?
On this training programme you will learn the following:
- What values are and how the relate to each other
- We will explore different ways of working with values, and how to work with values through the mindset of a storyteller.
- Exploring the dynamic tensions held between intrinsic and extrinsic value groups
- Understand the shifting nature of values depending on the context and purpose you use them
- How to use values to create powerful metanarratives

Is this training for me?
It is hard to imagine how to do meaningful storytelling without understanding the nature of values. Values shape our attitudes and behaviours, shape how we think, how we relate to others, as well as the natural world. If you are seeking to create pro-social or pro-environmental behaviours, then developing, what we call, values-ception, the ability to see and interpret values around you, is an essential aspect of becoming a storyteller.
Why are we exploring values on a storytelling training course?
There are many influences on our values, including cultural norms, life experiences, media, marketing, the education we receive, our family upbringing, and so on. But so often in values theory we neglect one of the most powerful influences on our values, which is the metanarratives that shape how we relate to the world around us. Metanarratives are implicit by their very nature, and how we work with them is through an approach called Master Storytelling. If we are to change the metanarratives that shape our lives, then understanding values dynamics remains a core aspect and necessary aspect of our training.

To understand values we have to understand flow. The important question is not 'What values do we hold?', but rather 'What are our values in service to?'
- Kieran O'Brien
Storytelling and values
Storytelling and Values
Training programme*-
Full lifetime access to 1.5hrs of online training
Full access to training materials and handouts
Unique insights on how to use values in your work
Upcoming workshops.
Hands-on storytelling workshops to help you on your storytelling journey
Intro to Master Storytelling FREE
Start your storytelling journey with our free intro workshop on Master Storytelling
Storytelling building workshop £75
Specialist hands-on training to help build your story, whether it is for an event, campaign, resource or other.
Using your storydeck cards *£75
Workshop on how to use your storytelling deck cards as a toolkit for creating a powerful narrative
Storytelling and motivation *£75
Workshop to follow on from the Storytelling and Motivation training, to put the theory into practice
The unconscious mind *£75
Follow on workshop to go further explore core themes from the Storytelling and the Unconscious Mind training programme
Storytelling circle **FREE
Regular workshop to come together and to share best practice and explore ideas in a supporting environment
All workshops are delivered via Zoom and are 1-2hrs in length. *These are follow on workshops that explore learnings from the training course. Access only to those who have attended the respective training course the workshop refers to. **Access to Storytelling Circle workshop only available to those who have subscribed to our full access training programme
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