Master Storytelling and Fundraising

What insights can a Master Storytelling approach to fundraising offer organisations working for positive change on social or environmental issues? How can new insights into motivation and values theory help us to drive powerful fundraising propositions that lead to long-term engagement?

Fundraising is never a simple task. It takes insight, knowledge and expertise into human motivation to understand how to engage audiences in a meaningful way. When we don’t know how to work with values, how to craft powerful motivational propositions, we will inevitably default to marketing techniques to drive our fundraising strategy.

While these marketing techniques might work in the short term, they create a host of problems in terms of long-term engagement and donor retention, as well as having a negative effect on our ability to work within an ethical fundraising framework. In the worst-case scenario, our reliance on marketing techniques can even undermine our long-term ambitions for real change. 

In this training series, we explore new ways to overcome some of the perennial problems we all face as fundraisers.

This video series is broken into 5 modules:

  1. Fundraising – overview
  2. Introducing Master Storytelling
  3. Exploring different tensions
  4. New motivation model
  5. New fundraising propositions  

To accompany this video series we have produced a FREE Master Storytelling and Fundraising guide, which you can download below.

our free guide

16 page PDF guide with insights and examples of new fundraising propositions for social and environmental transformation

Our full online training course

New training programme.

Become a Master Storyteller with our specialist training programme

Motivation theory

Explore a new approach to motivational theory and how to work with intrinsic motivational triggers

values theory

Insights into values theory and how to work with the flow of values and their relationship to each other


Utilising insights on the different values systems of the two brain hemispheres and how to apply them


Learn how to become a Master Storyteller, someone who can create powerful metanarratives

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More insights

Download our FREE Master Storytelling and Fundraising guide

New motivational theory

Standard motivational models tend to conflate the different stages of intrinsic motivation (self-regulation) into a single category or to view intrinsic motivation only in terms of utility (i.e. improved outputs). 

The result is that our current motivational models are no longer fit for purpose in terms of working with higher values, or how to create long-term behavioural change. 

Creating a new and expanded model, utilising insights from neuro-psychology, offers some profound insights on how to create meaningful change on the issues we care about.