A beginner’s guide to Master Storytelling

Storytelling for social and environmental transformation – how do we use a new storytelling theory to drive through positive change on both the social and environmental crises of today?

Our FREE introductory workshop on Master Storytelling explores some of the main themes covered in the A beginner’s guide to Master Storytelling and integral motivation theory book.

In this book, we explore a new storytelling theory called Master Storytelling. This theory works with metanarratives, the implicit narratives that make up half of all communications.

Knowing what these hidden narratives are and how to read them offers us incredible insights on how to use storytelling to create the necessary cultural changes that we need to see today.

Every metanarrative is made up of an interaction between the three primitives of values, motivation and purpose. Understanding how each primitive works with the other, we can begin to build an entirely new motivation theory called Integral Motivation Theory.

In this FREE 2hr taster workshop, our storytelling expert Kieran O’Brien will outline the full storytelling theory, along with insights on how you can integrate this storytelling theory into your work.

This will be an interactive workshop, with an educational input by Kieran and a chance to speak to network with others to discuss ways forward on how to train as a Master Storyteller.

This workshop is an opportunity to explore the concept of Master Storytelling, which is a way of working with the implicit nature of storytelling. 

We will explore what metanarrative is, how to create powerful metanarrative, the nature of storytelling, the shape of stories, and how to move beyond technocratic interpretations of storytelling.

The primary focus of this training is how to tell stories to bring about positive change on social and environmental issues. So ideally, you will have an interest or will be working to motivate audiences towards positive change on an environmental or a humanitarian cause. These insights apply to everyone and not just communicators or leaders.

Sign up to one of the FREE workshops below.

The real power of storytelling lies not in the narrative, but in the metanarrative - the implicit aspects of the stories we tell.

- Kieran O'Brien
Director of Ministory

New motivational theory

Standard motivational models tend to conflate the different stages of intrinsic motivation (self-regulation) into a single category or to view intrinsic motivation only in terms of utility (i.e. improved outputs). 

The result is that our current motivational models are no longer fit for purpose in terms of working with higher values, or how to create long-term behavioural change. 

Creating a new and expanded model, utilising insights from neuro-psychology, offers some profound insights on how to create meaningful change on the issues we care about.