Exploring Integral Motivation Theory
How can a new motivation theory help us to drive through positive change on both the social and environmental crises of today?
Integral Motivation Theory is a brand new motivation model that offers us profound insights on how to work with the higher stages and orientations in motivation theory – especially intrinsic motivation.
This self-transcending aspect of motivation is often highly misunderstood, and our failure to be able to work with intrinsic motivation has real-world implications, especially when we are unable to create long-term positive change on social and environmental issues of today.
In this FREE workshop, we will be exploring insights from the new book A Beginner’s Guide to Master Storytelling and Integral Motivation Theory, which can be downloaded for free here: https://ministory.co.uk/beginners-guide/
In this book, we take a deep dive into cutting-edge insights from neuro-psychology and use these insights to develop a new storytelling theory, motivation theory and values theory. By weaving these new theories together, we can develop a more holistic and integrated motivation model that takes in all aspects of extrinsic motivation orientations and intrinsic motivation orientations.
And the best part? These insights can be easily implemented into your work.
This workshop will be made up of a presentation by the author Kieran O’Brien, followed by practical activities in which we can start to think about how to implement some of the findings from this research.
This workshop is an opportunity to explore the concept of Master Storytelling and motivation theory which opens up our ability to work with the higher stages of intrinsic motivation.
We will explore the failures of previous motivation theories and models, and how they have focussed too much on extrinsic motivation and have failed to grasp some of the basic principles of how to work with intrinsic motivation.
The primary focus of this training is how to tell stories to bring about positive change on social and environmental issues. So ideally, you will have an interest or will be working to motivate audiences towards positive change on an environmental or a humanitarian cause. These insights apply to everyone and not just communicators or leaders.
Sign up to one of the FREE workshops below.
The real power of storytelling lies not in the narrative, but in the metanarrative - the implicit aspects of the stories we tell.
- Kieran O'Brien
Director of Ministory